News Rover highlights:
- Software includes NZB support
- Built-in Par / Rar processing
- Three modes of operation
- Thumbnail picture gallery
- Supports up to 32 servers
- News Rover Setup Guide
Update – enjoy a free copy of News Rover when you sign up for Usenet access from NewsDemon or ThunderNews.
News Rover homepage:
Newsrover can be used in 3 different modes of operation:
- Global Search: News Rover allows its user to search by keyword- scans newsgroups looking for subject and messages with those keywords. Double click articles that you want to download.
- Autoscan: Can set up “Interest Groups” that specify which newsgroups are automatically scanned and define what types of articles/messages you want downloaded. Designed for unattended operation. For example, can create “Interest Groups” that only download articles/messages that have .jpg, .mpg, .avi, or other types of attachements.
- Subscribed Newsgroups: Allows user to download all newsgroups, subscribe to newsgroups and then download the messages. Will download multi-part messages with file attachments.
News Rover newsreader details:
- Picture Gallery: thumbnails images of your downloaded picture files. To view full-size of picture, click on thumbnail. Also has a built in slide show feature that makes it easy to scroll through picture set.
- Enhanced Security: Password protection and Encryption Option allows user to designate certain newsgroups as protected. The messages and files in these groups will be hidden from view unless the user enters in their password.
- Display Filters: User is able to filter out what messages to display. For example, can display only messages with JPG files which will filter out text only messages and incomplete multi-part messages. Multi-part messages are also shown as a single item.
- NZB support: Yes.
- Header support: Yes.
- RAR / PAR support: Yes. News Rover will repair and extract files. Newsreader will collect parts of a file and reconstruct the complete file. Done automatically.
- Post to newsgroups: Text posts supported
- SSL encryption: Supported
- Multiserver support: Yes. Supports up to 32 Usenet servers, can scan multiple servers simultaneously. Can subscribe to newsgroups on all your news servers.
- Multithreaded Program: Supports multiple connections to servers, download, decode and browse at the same time.
- Server prioritization: Supported
- Duplicate File/Copy Elimination: News Rover maintains a database of files/ID strings that you have already downloaded. If file/copy has same name and file size is received again, it is automatically discarded. Can enable/disable this feature.
- File Folders: News Rover helps your organize your articles into its own category folder with its own interest groups, picture gallery, etc.
- SPAM Elimination: News Rover allows you to filter out spam by: eliminating duplicate messages, crossposted messages, filter our messages containing certain words of phrases, filter out messages by sender/poster- Block Senders.
- Scheduled Execution: Can enable News Rover to automatically start downloads of messages and files until scheduled to stop.
- Email Support: With built in customizable spell checker. Spell checker can also be used on Usenet messages.
Operating systems support:
- Windows: Yes
- Mac: No
- Linux: No
- Free Trial – 30 days (download)
- News Rover – $29.95
Tech support:
- Email Support
- Phone Support – small fee